lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

Post 2: The Introduction

Anthropology theories are important to the Psychology field because they study the human being in all their ways, and the Psychology is working with the personality, behaviour, and all the things that involve our way to face the world. I know that everyone is unique and only and is too risky generalize but we have to establish some patterns and there is when the Anthropology appears as a underrated discipline (in the Psychology field) but if you learn the basics discoveries of it you will know that Anthropology has an important place in a lot of the psychological approaches. So through this paper I will evaluate their influence in the different paradigms of Psychology because the human being in it's entirety connected with our enviroment make us different. In the order to explore these influences I've been reading about the Anthropology theories especially the evolutionism, functionalism and materialism. Also about the Psychology paradigms I've been reading about conductism, cognitivism, psychoanalysis, constructionism because I think that the Anthropologistic schools of thought inserts really well in the Psychology paradigms that I mentioned before. To make a good relation between these two disciplines I have to present historical facts, and compare every theory and paradigm so I will be able to recognise the influence of Anthropology. This is an important research because according to the scientist Theodore Schwartz "anhropology has not had the impact it should on mainstream psychology considering the claims that psychological anthropology makes or should make". To conclude I'll be reviewing all the research because new things can appear in the road.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow it sounds pretty interesting! I will definitely read that article. Personally I really like all the things that are related to the psychology and the anthropology areas. You know that I am studying Psychology (we are classmates haha <3), but until the moment of postulation period of careers at the university, I was doubting between those careers! :O So everything that is related to that it sound very interesting for me
